This was unexpected. It was an honour to have been chosen as an Olympic Torchbearer for the 2010 Winter Olympics here in Vancouver.
The thought of becoming an Olympian was something I envisioned before. "What does it take to reach the highest peak of an athlete's strength and speed; to have dedicated one's life for the love of the game?" This is the closest I can get to experience the joy of participating in the Olympic games. I woke up energized this morning feeling like an Olympic Athlete!
I dedicate this historic event in my life to all my family and friends that continue to inspire me to live my faith, to pursue my hopes, and to be in love to follow God's will in my life. Praise be my Lord Jesus Christ!
I used to be actively involved with a few sports competition in the provincial level tournaments. I enjoyed the challenge of training and sportsmanship including trying out different martial arts before I went to the Seminary to study and discern the Catholic Priesthood to serve in grateful hope for the goodness and beauty of what this life has to offer everyone. Now, the journey continues...
I will remember each of you as I carry the torch.
With glowing heart, I thank you,
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